The children of the Peruvian Andes are numerous and live in poverty and destitution which is unimaginable to most people in developed nations. In fact, almost half of all families in Peru live below the poverty level. Children are the most vulnerable to the perils of hunger, abuse and neglect. Many here in the town of Huaraz live in cold adobe houses without heat, running water, sanitation, electricity or adequate food. Survival is a constant struggle. Parents may be off for days or weeks at a time working in the fields in other villages, leaving the children to fend for themselves. Malnutrition, unsanitary living conditions and lack of necessary medical care are just some of the issues plaguing these children.
Building Self Esteem
Another looming concern is the emotional well being of the children. Self esteem is virtually non existent among the children. If they live in depression, abuse and neglect, they are feeling worthless. We want to develop these children from the inside out, showing them they are valuable, important pieces of Peruvian society and they can grow into young adults one day with families of their own who they can share these values and character attributes.
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Education, Education, Education
We believe education to be the single most important factor in the long term success of our children. To that end, we provide school supplies and, with the help of our dedicated volunteers, tutoring to those that need it.
At Changes for New Hope our education initially was limited to English and shortly thereafter moved into a broader scope to include, art, photography, and math, which is particularly challenging for the children. Whenever appropriate, games and life situations are used to make it fun and relevant.
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At Changes for New Hope our education initially was limited to English and shortly thereafter moved into a broader scope to include, art, photography, and math, which is particularly challenging for the children. Whenever appropriate, games and life situations are used to make it fun and relevant.
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Keeping Body and Soul United
"Annual winter mortality" is something you might expect to read about in a wildlife study, but for the poorest children of the Peruvian Andes it's an annual challenge to survive. The last 2 years have been particularly hard, culminating in hundreds of avoidable childhood deaths and, ultimately, the declaration of emergency due to cold by the Peruvian government.
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What Matters for Us
What matters for Changes for New Hope is to continue developing an organization that is trusted by the children, their families and our supporters to fulfill its primary mission. We are focused on helping people to help themselves. Part of helping children is to assist families to become self supporting. Meeting the complete welfare of these children as well as their families if possible, is a core element of Changes for New Hope. It is one of many reasons why nobody in Changes for New Hope receives compensation of any kind for their role in the project.
What happens next for Changes for New Hope will be determined by the dedication of volunteers, the sponsorship of international donors, and the laser-focused actions of the dedicated individuals who consider saving the poor and disadvantaged children of Peru a cause too important to ignore.
What happens next for Changes for New Hope will be determined by the dedication of volunteers, the sponsorship of international donors, and the laser-focused actions of the dedicated individuals who consider saving the poor and disadvantaged children of Peru a cause too important to ignore.
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