In recent years, the ceviche won various cuisines of the world as a symbol of Peru's identity and attracted the attention of international chefs to the cuisine of that country, now the food as the national flag. Thedelicacy - made with fish or shellfish "cooked" by the acidity of a lemon-based marinade, salt and pepper - is more than an exquisite blend of textures and flavorsof spicy and fatty. "It represents a return to simplefood, using local ingredients, marked by freshnessand high protein content of the fish," says chef andrestaurateur David Lechig (photo)

"This movement was born in response to the cuisinefound in molecular and chefs, as (Peruvian) andGaston Acurio (US-Cuban) Douglas Rodriguez, the strength to spread," he evaluates. Following this trend, to disclose the delicacy as well as their differences, David held from this Friday (10/07) until Aug. 16, the 4th Festival of Latin ceviche at El Paso,lunch and dinner. n this edition, the chef offers 13 suggestions, served in individuals (U.S. $ 46) to the customer's choice,accompanied by a la Conchita Parmesan (musselsau gratin) and Causes Pituca (mass of cold sweet potatoes topped with pepperoni cod). Among the constructions, only two are classic Peruvian cevicheLimena, based on snook and Ceviche Mixto, made with fish, shrimp, squid and octopus. The other options are the result of 11 recipes from Latin America, Peruvians rephrasing of preparation or a fusion of international cuisine.
4º Festival de Ceviches do El Paso Latino
(404 Sul, Bloco 19/23; (61) 3323-4618).
Domingo, das 12h às 16h e das 18h30 à 0h. De terça a sexta, das 12h às 15h e das 18h à 0h. Sábado, das 12h às 16h e das 18h à 1h.
De 07 a 16 de outubro, no almoço e no jantar
Valor: R$ 46 (combo com dois ceviches acompanhados de Conchitas a la Parmesana e de Causas Pitucas)
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