London Kabbalah Centre Gives Back to At-Risk Women
On Sunday June 5th 2011, the London Kabbalah Centre organized a team of volunteers to perform an afternoon of beauty sessions for women at the Croydon Women’s Aid Hostel in Greater London.
Croydon Women’s Aid Hostel is a charitable organization that provides specialist services for women and children fleeing domestic abuse. The purpose of the event was to help vulnerable women – most of whom are single mothers and living in hiding – gain back their confidence and femininity while showing them that they are not alone or forgotten.
A professional makeup artist shared her beauty knowledge and skills with each woman, relaying professional tips and tricks of the trade, as well as a mini makeover for all. Each woman also received a facial treatment, oil massage and goodie bag filled with premiere organic skin care products.
Rounding off the day, a buffet filled with fresh fruits, vegetables and tea were made available to the women as they enjoyed aromatic oils and calming music.
During the event, many volunteers openly discussed why they choose to volunteer and give back to people in need. One volunteer shared her experience as a single mother and how Kabbalah changed her life, helping her to overcome the difficulties life brought her way.
Words of gratitude were shared throughout the event as well as in a personal letter from Croydon Women’s Aid Hostel:
I wanted to say a BIG THANK YOU to you and all the volunteers who made Sunday such a special day for the women!! They all enjoyed it very much and looked so relaxed and happy. Could you please give our thanks to all the volunteers who helped? And a big, big thank you to you for organizing it all, and on behalf of the staff team I thank you.
Me siento felicisima de ser estudiante de Kabbalah, el Centro es mi hogar espiritual con unos Padres excepcionales, y miles y miles de hermanos compartiendo la Vida Verdadera.
Mi mayor deseo es que muy pronto en España, país de Moshe de León haya un Centro gigantesco y podamos expandirnos . Tenemos el ejemplo maravilloso de Londres y de muchos más. Luz y bendiciones, y mucho amor entre todos nosotros. Miriam (gracias google por traducirme, ya que no hablo inglés)
Querida Mirian me llamo Pablo y soy italiano.
Perdona el mi espagnol, un idioma que he apprendido solo hablando con la gente.
Quiero decirte que todos en la vita necessitan buscar mas el lado espiritual que lo material, porque esto es el nuestro destino.
El problema es que todas estas personas que tiene conociencia de la espiritualidad, por ensegnarla preguntan dinero. Yo pienso que si una persona tiene qualitades espirituales la han recibida gratuitamente, y gratuitamente tienen que impartirla a los demas. Dios o l’universo que sea, no pregunta dinero por donar la conosciencia espiritual. Que piensa?